Listed buildings impress with a special charm, which is probably one of the reasons why their preservation is in the interest of the general public.
For example, half-timbered structures and buildings from the turn of the century, which in contrast were completely solid brick, are very common. But also buildings of post-war architecture can already be listed as historical monuments.
Revitalization measures and listed buildings include:
– statische Reparaturen (z.B. an den Holzbauteilen eines Fachwerks, Setzungsausgleiche, Fundamenterneuerungen, etc.),
– Feuchtigkeitsisolierung an Wänden und Bodenplatte, wie die Erneuerung der Dacheindeckung
– ästhetische Sanierungen (Böden, Decken und Wände)
– energetische Sanierungen an Dächern und Fenstern, wie auch
– gebäudetechnische Sanierungen wie Wasser-, Heizungs- und Elektroinstallation.
In the case of monuments, the principle applies that the appearance must be preserved and that the structure must not be damaged or destroyed.
For each renovation you therefore need the permission or approval of the monument protection authority.